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Aug 2021

Strong lumber prices boost Resolute second quarter results

Resolute Forest Products Inc. is reporting a very strong second quarter as net income soared on a near doubling of revenues as prices reached record highs... [Mais... ]

Conifex temporarily stops production at sawmill due to high lumber prices

Conifex Timber Inc said it will temporarily slow production at its sawmill in Mackenzie, British Columbia... [Mais... ]

Nov 2020

North American softwood lumber prices fall sharply

What goes up must come down,” as the saying goes. Particularly when talking about markets. After holding firm for four weeks while most other species’ prices fell, the price of benchmark construction framing dimension softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr fell a not unexpected -$260, or -27%, to end last week at a still-high U.S. $700 mfbm (net FOB sawmill)... [Mais... ]

Mar 2017

Overview of hardwood logs prices in Eastern Europe

During January and February, Fordaq has monitored the activity of many sawmills in Eastern Europe. From the survey we have found the following prices [Mais... ]

Jun 2015

Guyana: Less used species receive more promotion

It is estimated that Guyana's forestry and wood processing sectors contribute between US$40 million and US$60 million to export earnings annually representing between 3 and 4% of GDP. Annual average timber and timber products production is estimated at 420,000 cubic metres, with plywood and furniture manufacturing being two key value added products [Mais... ]

Feb 2015

Guyana: Higher wood export earnings in 2014

Guyana's forest sector recorded significant growth in 2014 with production of around 527,000 cu.m for the year, an increase of 21 % on 2013 [Mais... ]

Jul 2014

Guyana improves engagement in the EU FLEGT VPA process

After a recent round of meetings Guyanese stakeholders are now more familiar with the VPA and Guyana's progress to date. Participation at these meetings included representatives from the industry, civil society, indigenous communities and government agencies and focussed on capacity building and the establishment of an effective communication system for the VPA process... [Mais... ]

Jun 2014

Guyana: Sawnwood exports higher, prices up

Sawnwood exports were active and attractive prices were earned on the export market. Undressed greenheart (Prime quality) commanded a price as high as US$1,338 per cubic metre FOB and was shipped to buyers in the Middle East and Oceania [Mais... ]

May 2014

Guyana: Top three timbers dominate export trade

During the period reviewed there were no shipments of greenheart logs but purpleheart logs were exported and at moderately attractive prices. Standard Sawmills quality purpleheart logs were priced at US$300 per cubic metre FOB. Mora logs were sold for a fair price to international buyers with mora Standard Sawmill quality logs fetching US$150 per cubic metre FOB. Fair Sawmill quality mora attracted an FOB price of US$140 while Small Sawmill quality mora logs were traded at US$130 per cubic metre FOB. [Mais... ]

Apr 2014

Guyana: Mora log prices ease

Only greenheart and mora logs were exported in the period reviewed, there was no export of purpleheart logs. Greenheart log FOB prices were fair on the market with Standard Sawmill Quality priced at an average of US$ 140 per cu.m, Fair Sawmill Quality US$130per cu.m and Small Sawmill Quality US$120 per cu.m... [Mais... ]

Oct 2013

Guyana: sawnwood exports provide good earnings

There were no exports of the main commercial species in the period under review. However the wamara (Swartzia leiocalycina) logs made an impact on the export market attracting favourable prices as much as US$160 per cubic metre in Asian markets. Sawnwood exports continued and both Undressed (rough sawn) Dressed categories were traded... [Mais... ]

Guyana: sawnwood prices remain firm

Sawnwood export demand was positive and exports were made at favourable prices. Exports of Undressed greenheart made a solid contribution to total export earnings. In the select category top end FOB prices for Undressed greenheart fell from US$1,835 to US$1,166 per cubic metre [Mais... ]

Sep 2013

Guyana: Increased export prices celebrated

In the last two weeks of August there were no exports of greenheart and purpleheart logs. However, mora logs were traded and secured better prices in the international markets for all categories. The top end prices for Standard quality was US$160 per cu.m FOB, Fair quality mora logs earned US$140 per cu.m FOB and Small quality prices were US$130 per cu.m FOB. Guyana’s log export market continues to be supported by the Asian market... [Mais... ]

Aug 2013

Guyana: latest prices for log, sawnwood and plywood

Export prices for sawn Dressed greenheart were good and the top end price increased from US$1,060 to US$1,166 per cubic metre FOB in the Caribbean market. [Mais... ]

Guyana: current prices for log, sawnwood and plywood

A National Economic Forum, scheduled from August 14 to August 15 and hosted by the National Competitiveness Strategy Unit (NSCU) will discuss issues relevant to the theme “Promoting economic growth and development through innovation, diversification and partnership”... [Mais... ]