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." In view of the global climate and biodiversity crisis, the EU is also increasingly looking at forests and how their contributions to the overarching EU goals can be shaped as positively as possible ... [mais...]
.2% for a 6 t purchase volume reports the German Energy Wood and Pellet Association (DEPV). The year-on-year figure is 2.7% less.
From a regional point of view, there are the following differences in April 2020: In the south, like in March, pellets are t ... [mais...]
In manufacturing, the index fell - across all branches of industry - to the lowest overall level since August 2009. The decline in expectations is historically unique with a view to 70 years of industry surveys, reports the institute ... [mais...]
The boom in home improvement, that started in the pandemic and helped drive hardwood sales in Europe and which was encouraged by government stimulus measures, is now well and truly over.
This informal view chimes with the formal economic ... [mais...]
The Governing Boards of the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) and the Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA) have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to align the strategies and activities of each organisation with a view ... [mais...]
. The total amount for 2019 is 2.8 million t of pellets.
In view of the already announced capacity expansion of pellet producers, an annual production of 3 ... [mais...]
. From the balance sheet point of view the pressure on the operative working capital elements is not relevant; the net financial position forecasted for this year end, before the IFRS 16 impacts, is remaining positive ... [mais...]
. The role of leaders in the industry will also be outlined and a high-profile CEO panel will debate that.
On the second day of the event, the forum begins with the thematic block "Bioproducts around us" and provides viewers with information about the cu ... [mais...]
Small and medium-sized companies that do not have rail or waterway connections would be particularly affected. In view of the limited capacities in timber transport and logistics, more than 70% of those surveyed expect supply bottlenecks and produ ... [mais...]
Organisers announced the decision in a statement tonight following an emergency meeting this afternoon.
"Following an extraordinary meeting today of the Board of Federlegno Arredo Eventi, and in view of the ongoing public health emergency, the ... [mais...]
.” View the English statement from the Ministry of Finance here.
According to NHLA, there is still confusion about this program and implementation, and the situation should still be considered fluid and could suffer potential changes.
... [mais...]
. But it compares favourably in view of the prevailing situation in terms of economic sentiment, demand and market prices,” said Lars Idermark, President and CEO ... [mais...]
F: What will be the evolution of this service to clients?
B: We may eventually use this service to do some B2B e-commerce sales in the future but for right now we are just using it as a tool to get clients to view their veneer without having ... [mais...]
. From the AGR's point of view, adapted logistics could help to better distribute the available wood quantities and to bring together supply and demand for unprocessed softwood.
... [mais...]
Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, said Sarawak will focus on planted forests and high value-added products for its timber industry in view of declining resources from natural forests ... [mais...]
. This also explains that the market is looking more and more like a spot auction.
Market players are only starting to grapple all the spill-over effects of this crisis on the supply chain ... [mais...]
. Although only a minority had this view, it seems to be a rising trend. No respondents in 2018 and just 2% of respondents in 2019 said their imports of tropical timber had increased as a result of EUTR ... [mais...]
Since the Netherlands plays a vital role in European supply chains, the Dutch government has specifically identified air and sea freight chains, road transport, as well as food and medical supply chains as vital processes in view of Covid-19 ... [mais...]
In view of the ongoing unpredictable developments of the coronavirus pandemic many trade fairs have been postponed across Europe and Asia ... [mais...]
. A more stable and sustainable turnaround in the years ahead will require an easing of the uncertainty created by the pandemic. In view of the current market conditions and geopolitical uncertainty, Södra’s operating profit to date this year can be conside ... [mais...]
The 2020 edition will not be held next May 26-29 as originally planned, but postponed to the second half of the year, in dates that will be identified later on, in view of the ongoing disruption of trade fair calendars and the unpredictable development ... [mais...]
. Hence, indicating that there is a fragmented view among the countries on the impacts of the coronavirus. However, total construction for EC-19 countries will see a rebound already next year of around 6 percent and then continue to grow by 3 percent in 202 ... [mais...]
. From the point of view of image interpretation, a cloudy weather was the best for the flights.
In addition to Finland, forest research flights and image interpretation have been performed in Sweden and the Czech Republic ... [mais...]